About Me

 Growing up I was the definition of a “tom boy”, I didn’t like getting my nails being done and definitely not getting my hair done. I loved to throw a ball with my dad, fish or go camping. Anyone who knows me knows I am still not your typical “girly girl”, but I do enjoy getting my nails, hair and lashes done now. I sparked an interest in hair when I really started to notice what my aunt was doing.

I started attending hair school in the fall of 2014 and it quickly became my “escape”. After graduating in 2016 I found myself at a few different salons over time. Each place taught me something different and helped me become the stylist I am today. The world we live in today, there is always something new going on, you learn to keep up with the trends.

After being quarantined in 2020, I knew it was a time for a big change in my career. In September of 2020 I found where I call home to every week, Studio Balayage. I work along side a group of girls who have done nothing but help me reach my highest potential everyday.

My husband and I got married in October of 2022 and we had the best day ever imagined! We have a 6 Year old black lab named Jake and he is our whole world!

I would love the opportunity to get to know so much more about each and every one of you!